Read this article if you would like TrackOne to display the latest results, along with calculating the live Subject results and Grade Point Average (GPA).

Please lodge a support request if you would like help in setting this area up.

  1. Administration > Configuration > Continuous > Continuous Assessment tab
    Tick the 'Enable continual assessment throughout the Suite' option.
    Update all settings and rules applicable to your school.

  2. Administration > Configuration > Continuous > Integrate Continuous Period tab
    Read through the onscreen text for the explanation of this screen.
    *You will need to re-visit this screen throughout the year as result periods change to update the settings.

  3. Administration > Analytics Setup > Continuous
    Set up schemas for your continuous results and continuous calculation rules. These rules and settings will apply to the students 'Continuous Results' screen.
    In the 'Integrate Continuous Period' section, make sure you enter the objective code that has been set up in your 'Overall Result' schemas so that the settings and GPA calculation rules will apply to the incoming continuous results.
    **Schools pulling results through from an LMS (Schoolbox, Canvas) must be careful if changing and of the continuous schemas. Request assistance from the support team.

Once these three steps are set up correctly, continuous results can be viewed and analysed in the following areas:

  • Student Results
  • Continuous results
  • Class Summary
  • Class Overview
  • Class Assessment
  • Subject Summary
  • Subject Analysis
  • Subject Leaders
  • Cohort Summary
  • Cohort Analysis
  • Cohort Leaders


There are a couple of associated permissions to be considered in the User Management Roles' area:

  • 'Progressive Result Entry'
    Ticking this displays a result drop down in the students 'Continuous Results' screen allowing a user to select a result within TrackOne. Most schools have this unticked.

  • 'Progressive Results Hide Totals'
    Ticking this option will hide the 'Result' column from the students 'Continuous Results' screen. Most schools have this unticked.

*Some schools may not be able to utilise this area of the Suite depending on the set up in their external systems. Speak with support to look for possible solutions.